Security information


Do you save my order information?

No, we delete all order information after your order is sent.


Do you have a public key I can use to encrypt my address details?

Yes, you can find it here


If you feel the need to encrypt your address details, here is how you do it:


  1. First create a free email and use this email when making the order.(optinal)
  2. Add the products you want to purchase in our shop to the cart and proceed to the checkout.
  3. In the checkout you write the following: Name: “A”Last name: “A”Street Adress: “A”

    Town: “A”

    Postcode: You need to write a random post code number in your country.

    The only thing that need to be correct is your country as it will be different shipping prices for different countries

  4. Look for a field called “Order notes”. Here you can paste your pgp message containing your address details, that you made using our public key. Find our public key here
  5. Click “pay with bitcoin” button and complete the payment.
  6. You will now receive a message when the payment is done and we are processing your order. You will also get a message when your order is sent.


If you do not know how to make a encrypted message but feel the need to encrypt your address. This is a good and easy guide how to download a pgp software and set it up to encrypt you address.



European medicines with express delivery.






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